Actively Aerated Compost Tea and Trees
For years I was unhappy with the results of our tree fertility program using available fertilizers on the market. After attending a talk by Dr. Elaine Ingham many years ago on the soil food web, my partner and I decided to try compost teas. Once we experienced the power of compost tea on a lawn installation we decide to make compost tea the foundation for our tree fertility program.
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Tackling Winter Moth
Last November/December my phone was abuzz with reports from many clients in Southeastern Massachusetts, letting me know of these little “whitish” moths flying around porch lights during the evening hours. I noticed on several properties, as we raked leaves, moths swirling about at waist height and quickly retuning to the ground. This is a sure sign of the presence of winter moth. It appears we will be having a heavy infestation of these non native caterpillars this spring.
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